NAICS Code Finder

Quickly find active codes from the North American Industry Classification System

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NAICS Code Finder – an easier way to find active industry codes for 2024!

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What does NAICS stand for?

How is NAICS different from SIC?

NAICS replaced the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system in 1997. NAICS is more detailed and flexible, reflecting the changing nature of industries and businesses. It also provides a more consistent classification system across the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

How often are NAICS codes updated?

NAICS codes are updated every five years to reflect changes in the economy and emerging industries. The most recent update was in 2022, and the next one is scheduled for 2027. NAICS Update Process Fact Sheet

How many digits are there in a NAICS code?

NAICS codes consist of six digits, with the first two digits representing the economic sector, and the remaining four digits providing more specific industry details.

Can a business have multiple NAICS codes?

Yes, a business can have multiple NAICS codes if it engages in multiple lines of business or operates in different industries. Each NAICS code represents a primary line of business for the company.

What is the purpose of NAICS?

The purpose of NAICS is to provide a standardized system for classifying businesses and industries in North America. It helps in statistical analysis, economic research, and data collection. Learn more

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